CoMeCT kickoff

This Monday 22 January marked the official kick-off of the EU-funded, CoMeCT project. This ambitious, three-year project aims to coordinate activities across Europe’s strategic adaptive platform trials and cohort studies on infectious diseases with epidemic or pandemic potential.
It will engage with a wide variety of stakeholders to oversee and facilitate dialogue, share good practices, promote collaboration and coordination across studies and provide updated information on initiatives and innovation in infectious disease clinical research.
Led by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, CoMeCT will build on and strengthen existing networks and infrastructure. These include EU-funded coordination mechanisms and networks, namely the Trial Coordination Board (TCB), Joint Access Advisory Mechanism (JAAM), the Cohort Coordination Board (CCB), and the Ecraid Coordinating Committee.
The kick-off included a detailed presentation of the workplan by the consortium and also input by the European Commission on project management and synergies to be developed. Other initiatives including BE READY European Partnership for Pandemic Preparedness and the EMA Coordinating Committee imparted the work they are currently carrying out. This shared information from important external actors right from the start of the project aligns with CoMeCT’s intention to operate in close collaboration with other emergency preparedness mechanisms.
CoMeCT will develop a visible, well-defined coordination mechanism to highlight Europe's capacity and competence as an attractive base for clinical research.
ECRIN's role in CoMeCT involves support to the development of the JAAM, advancing best practices in adaptive platform trials and project communications.