European Vaccine Research and Development InfrastructureFunding programme: Horizon 2020 (N 730964)
Budget: €10.5M
Duration: 5 years (May 2017 - Apr2022)
TRANSVAC2 will support innovation for both prophylactic and therapeutic vaccine development based on a disease-overarching and one-health approach, thereby optimising the knowledge and expertise gained during the development of both human and animal vaccines. This will be achieved by bridging the translational gap in biomedical research, and by supporting cooperation between public vaccine R&D institutions of excellence, related initiatives and networks in Europe, and industrial partners.
TRANSVAC2 is the follow-up project to its successful predecessor project TRANSVAC, the European Network of Vaccine Research and Development funded by European Union Framework Programme 7, FP7.
The TRANSVAC2 consortium includes leading European institutions that propose to further advance with the previous initiative towards the establishment of a fully operational and sustainable European vaccine R&D infrastructure.
TRANSVAC2 will contribute to the development of effective products to address European and global health challenges, to controlling the burden and spread of infectious diseases, and to the reinforcement of the economic assets represented by vaccine developers in Europe.
ECRIN is leading the work package on clinical trial support. In this role, ECRIN will provide information/advice on the development of multinational vaccine clinical trials; provide consulting on appropriate design/methodology for such trials; and support regulatory and ethical submissions in trial participating countries. ECRIN is also involved in the work package on regulatory support.