Expanding research infrastructure visibility to strengthen strategic partnerships

Funding programme: Horizon 2020 (N 824063)

Coordinator: Instruct-ERIC

Budget: €1.5M

Duration: 30 months (February 2019 to August 2022)

RI-VIS will increase the visibility of European research infrastructures (RIs) to broader scientific communities, industry and strategic partners in third countries.

The RI-VIS consortium has main membership from the life sciences RIs where there is urgent need to improve outreach and strategic partnerships. Partner RIs in other thematic groups ensure that outcomes are relevant to all.

RI-VIS will target communities and stakeholders with current and precise information and match them with RIs to facilitate i) the development of new collaborations, ii) user accessibility, iii) collaborative and innovative actions, iv) funding opportunities, v) knowledge transfer and vi) training opportunities.

RI-VIS will make it easier for new entrants to find out how RIs are organised and funded, where and how to access RI services and where data is available. The communication framework will include several digital platforms to achieve broad reach and generate a communication toolkit to help others benefit from the experiences gained.