Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science servicesFunding Programme: Horizon 2020 (N 654248)
Budget: €15M
Coordinator: ELIXIR
Duration: 4 years (Sep 2015 - Dec 2019)
The Horizon 2020-funded CORBEL project aims to establish shared services between the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures Biological and Medical Sciences Research Infrastructures (ESFRI BMS RIs)–which includes ECRIN–for the biomedical research community. CORBEL will achieve this by creating cross-infrastructure scientific workflows. A suite of common services will be developed and dynamically updated in response to specific user and research infrastructure needs. Partnerships with user communities working in European programmes such as Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI) or ERA-NETs (European Research Area Networks) and private-public partnerships such as the Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) will be facilitated by single access points and joint services.
ECRIN's role in CORBEL
The illustration below shows how ECRIN interacts specifically in CORBEL with other biomedical RIs, highlighting RI focus areas and disease priorities.
ECRIN is leading the work package in charge of the creation of a medical infrastructure / users forum (MIUF), which is a body of scientific experts. The MIUF aims to be a key instrument for the efficient development and use of biomedical research in Europe. It will guide the development of shared services and support their incorporation within participating research infrastructures and partner institutions, laying a solid foundation for long-term cooperation.
As part of the MIUF's work, a questionnaire was created to collect the needs and expectations of medical research communities and overall users of RIs. The responses have been collected and analysed in a report. They will be used as input to gather recommendations for continuous improvement and development of new, transversal services.