iCAN Summit 2018

Published on 26/07/2018


iCAN (international Children Advisory Network) fourth annual Research & Advocacy Summit took place on July 9-13, 2018 in Edinburgh. The week-long summit was hosted by NHS NRS Children’s Research Network (formerly ScotCRN) in partnership with GenerationR-NIHR England.

iCAN is a worldwide consortium of children’s advisory groups working together to provide a voice for children and families in health, medicine, research, and innovation through communication and collaboration. 

The summit provides the young people with a wonderful opportunity to learn from one another and network professionals from across the globe, while allowing the scientific community to engage with children and learn about the value and the significant importance of the influence of children on research, medicine, and innovation. 

YPAG (Young Patient Advisory Group) involved in PedCIRN activities (European YPAGs) actively participated in the summit 

More information available here