ICRI 2024 Global Conference on Research Infrastructures

International Conference on Research Infrastructures

The International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI) is the bi-annual professional forum for the global research infrastructure community and brings together policymakers, research institution leaders, facility operators, users and researchers, to discuss pressing topics of interest, trends and challenges facing research infrastructures around the world.

 The 2024 edition will be delivered by Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO (the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) and is held in Brisbane, Australia.



Two years ago ICRI was organised by the Czech Republic and held in Brno. A delegation from ECRIN was present through the side-event organised by ISODORe, and ECRIN also co-organised a side-event to demonstrate with real showcases how European life science research infrastructures work together in EU-AMRI. ICRI 2024 is set to explore trends, challenges, and opportunities in research infrastructures globally.

More information on the ICRI 2024 website here.