ECRIN Clinical Trial Services


Discover scientific publications that ECRIN has contributed to

- Trials - ECRIN as author
Marta del Álamo, Christoph Bührer, Dirk Fisher, Matthias Griese, Paul Lingor, Giovanni Palladini, Nicolas Sireau, Virginie Hivert, Luca Sangiorgi, Florence Guillot, Juliane Halftermeyer, Lenka Soucková, Kristýna Nosková & Regina Demlová

- PLoS Computational Biology - ECRIN supported project
Diaz-Uriarte R, Gómez de Lope E, Giugno R, Fröhlich H, Nazarov PV, Nepomuceno-Chamorro IA, Rauschenberger A, Glaab E

- arXiv - ECRIN as author
Boiten JW, Ohmann C, Adeniran A, Canham S, Abadia MC, Chassang G, Chiusano ML, David R, Fratelli M, Gribbon P, Holub P, Ludwig R, Mayrhofer MT, Matei M, Merchant A, Panagiotopoulou M, Pireddu L, Sanchez Pla A, Schlünder I, Tsamis G, Wagener H

- J. Pers. Med. - ECRIN as author
Fosse V, Oldoni E, Gerardi C, Banzi R, Fratelli M, Bietrix F, Ussi A, Andreu AL, McCormack E, the PERMIT Group.

- BMJ Open - ECRIN as author
Cecilia Superchi, Florie Brion Bouvier, Chiara Gerardi, Montserrat Carmona, Lorena San Miguel, Luis María Sánchez-Gómez, Iñaki Imaz-Iglesia, Paula Garcia, Jacques Demotes, Rita Banzi, Raphaël Porcher, the PERMIT Group

- Journal of Personalized Medicine; 12(5):688. - ECRIN as author
Torres Moral T, Sanchez-Niubo A, Monistrol-Mula A, Gerardi C, Banzi R, Garcia P, Demotes-Mainard J, Haro JM, the PERMIT Group.

- British Journal of Ophthalmology - ECRIN supported project
Terheyden JH, Pondorfer SG, Behning C, et al

- Data Intelligence - ECRIN as author
Christian Ohmann, Romain David, Mónica Cano Abadia, Florence Bietrix, Jan-Willem Boiten, Steve Canham, Maria Luisa Chiusano, Walter Dastrù, Arnaud Laroquette, Dario Longo, Michaela Theresia Mayrhofer, Maria Panagiotopoulou, Audrey Richard, Pablo Emilio Verde

- The New England Journal of Medicine - ECRIN as author
The DISCHARGE Trial Group*

- The Lancet Infectious Diseases - ECRIN supported project
Ader F, Bouscambert-Duchamp M, Hites M, Peiffer-Smadja N, Poissy J, Belhadi D, Diallo A, Lê MP, Peytavin G, Staub T, Greil R, Guedj J, Paiva JA, Costagliola D, Yazdanpanah Y, Burdet C, Mentré F, and theDisCoVeRy Study Group