ECRIN Clinical Trial Services


Discover scientific publications that ECRIN has contributed to

- Gazette du Palais 142 :8-10. - ECRIN as author
Demotes-Mainard J.

- Methods of information in medicine; 48(01):45-54. - ECRIN as author
Ohmann C, Kuchinke W

- Therapie; 61(4):325-34. - ECRIN as author
Demotes-Mainard J, Canet E, Segard L

- Methods Inf Med - ECRIN as author
Kuchinke W, Wiegelmann S, Verplancke P, Ohmann C.

- Methods of information in medicine; 45(04):441-6. - ECRIN as author
Kuchinke W, Wiegelmann S, Verplancke P, Ohmann C

- Int. J. Pharm. Med, 19:37-41. - ECRIN as author
Seyberth HW, Demotes-Mainard J , Wrobel P

- Pediatric Nephrology; 20(11):1537-40. - ECRIN as author
Seyberth HW, Demotes-Mainard J, Wrobel P

- Thérapie; 60(2):183-99. - ECRIN as author
Demotes-Mainard J, Chêne G, Libersa C, Pignon JP

- International Journal of Pharmaceutical Medicine.;19(1):43-5. - ECRIN as author
Demotes-Mainard J, Ohmann C, Gluud C, Chêne G, Fabris N, Garattini S, Lafolie P, Carné X, Collet JP, Crawley F

- Lancet; 365(9454):107-8. - ECRIN supported project
Demotes-Mainard J, Ohmann C.