Inclusive clinical trials: training and educationFunding programme: Erasmus+ (N 2023-1-IE02-KA220-HED-000159532)
Budget: € 400K
Coordinator: UCC
Duration: 3 years (Dec 2023 - Nov 2026)
The aim of SENSITISE is to provide education and training on the importance, conduct and impact of designing clinical trials to ensure appropriate representation of under-served groups. The target audiences are undergraduate biomedical and health professions students, as well as individuals working and researching in the field of clinical trials, including patient and public partners.
To meet our aim the project will work towards four separate outputs. (1) An online, open-access 12-week curriculum on inclusivity in clinical trials, available as a free, self-contained module on a learning management system (LMS) for any individual, regardless of location. Third-level institutions can import it to their own LMS. (2) A training manual for teachers/instructors with guidance on implementing each lesson. (3) A workshop for individuals working in clinical trials to facilitate education and training on inclusive principles in the conduct of clinical trials. (4) Translation of the curricula to French, German and Czech.
ECRIN will contribute throughout this project including content review and translation to French and German. ECRIN is responsible for the tasks related to dissemination and evaluation.