Other COVID-19 Resources
This webpage is no longer updated
Designing trials on COVID-19
COMET (Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials)
Trial Forge COVID19 resources
EMA considerations on COVID-19 vaccine approval
Conducting trials on COVID-19
CDISC COVID-19 resources
The European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM) provides COVID-19 vaccine developers with free access to quality standards applicable in Europe
EFGCP (European Forum for Good Clinical Practice)
Trials: COVID-19 randomised trial protocols
Risk factors for COVID-19 disease progression
Guidelines for trials impacted by the COVID-19
The CONSERVE 2021 Statement - Reporting Trial Protocols and Completed Trials Modified Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and Other Extenuating Circumstances
COVID-19 Statistics/Epidemiological data
WHO (World Health Organization)
ECDC (European Center for Disease Prevention and Control)
Global health COVID-19 dataset
COVID-19 trials reviews/trackers
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine - Vaccine tracker
WHO - Vaccine tracker
The Global Health Network
HTA Austria
EUnetHTA Rolling Collaborative Reviews
COVID-19 Public health technical guidance
EMA (European Medicines Agency)
FDA (Food and Drugs Administration)
WHO (MAGIC App: living guide for therapeutics and Covid 19)
COVID-19 Webinars
EFGCP (European Forum for Good Clinical Practice)
ClassCentral (Free courses about COVID-19)
COVID-19 Collaboration initiatives
COVID 19 Clinical Research Coalition
COVID-19 Patient registries
Registry of patients with COVID-19 including cardiovascular risk and complications
Last update on 09-03-2023
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