Remedi4All launches Drug Repurposing Concierge

Published on 30/05/2023
Drug Repurposing Concierge at Remedi4All

Whether you represent a patient group or charity, a biotech company, or you are a project principal investigator, if you have a medicines repurposing project that might need some help, the Remedi4All project just launched its Repurposing Concierge. Just fill out the form, and start a chat with the team and see how they can help you. Go to the Repurposing Concierge.



ECRIN will lead the work package on clinical development and implementation in which an inventory of resources and gap analysis will be carried out, recommendations and a blueprint for the establishment of a clinical repurposing platform will be developed, and a dedicated services platform will be created. Provision of services for the clinical demonstrator(s) will be the opportunity to validate and refine the service offer.

More on REMEDi4ALL in the ECRIN project section, or at the REMEDi4ALL website.


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