New canSERV Call for Service Provision for Early Career Researchers

The canSERV Consortium is pleased to launch its Specific Call for Service Provision for early career scientists “Training the Next Generation of Cancer Researchers”.
Early Career Cancer Researchers, for example first-stage researchers (PhD students, junior researchers without PhD), or recognised researchers (postdocs, assistant professors, young investigators) world-wide are invited to apply for free access to cutting-edge transnational services with an indicative overall budget for this call of EUR 500.000. The primary objective of this call is to empower early career scientists through access to research services and training in order to advance their scientific merits and careers.
To apply, your research project:
- Sould address any topic of cancer research and can vary from discovery science to translational science, translation into personalised oncology or clinical research.
- Should address at least one of the four strategic goals for the Cancer Mission (understanding of cancer; prevention and early detection; diagnosis and treatment; quality of life for patients and their families).
- Your requested services timeline should fall within the canSERV project’s duration FAQ “Time frames for the service provision”
Projects supported through this call will play a significant role in furthering the overarching objectives of the Cancer Mission.
For this Call, you should:
- Be an early career scientists in the career stage 3 and 4, for example first-stage researchers (PhD students, junior researchers without PhD) or recognised researchers (postdocs, assistant professors, young investigators).
- Choose only services that are provided in a different country from where you, or the majority of your research group, are based.
- Agree that data generated from the chosen services will comply with FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) making it available to other researchers while allowing for IP protection (in line with the EU’s open science policy). This will enable rapid execution of cross-European federated analyses of cancer-related data.
- It is recommended that you select trainings that can complement the other requested services from the extensive list of training available on the canSERV website.
The Call is planned to remain open until 17 December 2024, 2pm CET.
Learn more and apply today: