Kick off of BIOTOOL CHF project

Published on 31/01/2024
Biotool kick off

On 29-30 of January the BIOTOOL-CHF consortium united at the distinguished IRCCS Policlinico di Sant’Orsola - Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Bologna, for the official kick-off meeting of this challenging new project. With all 23 partners of the International Consortium present, it was an auspicious occasion for all of the members to introduce themeselves, delineate their roles within the project, and delve into the specifics of the work packages they will be spearheading.

The project will discover, develop, and validate a personalised approach to manage diuretic therapy in heart failure and reduced ejection fraction. It has the overall aim to reduce heart failure hospitalizations and improve quality of life.

While ECRIN's role of support in the coordination and planning of the dedicated clinical trial is not new, this project will be turning point for our organisation, as it represents the first clinical trial that it will coordinate with an Italian sponsor.