ICPerMed “Best Practice in Personalised Medicine" Recognition 2019

Published on 08/11/2018

Rome, Italy, 31 October, 2018.

The International Consortium for Personalised Medicine, ICPerMed, publishes today the pre-announcement of their second “BEST PRACTICE IN PERSONALISED MEDICINE" RECOGNITION 2019.

The objective of this award is to recognize, encourage, promote and disseminate outstanding best practice examples in personalised medicine (PM).

Responsible authors (applicants from any country ) of candidate proposals published and developed from 1 January 2017 to 31 October 2018 are eligible to apply.

The launch of the Recognition will be on 21st of November and the deadline for proposal submissions will be 21 January 2019.

The successful applicants (maximum three) will be invited to the ICPerMed 2019 workshop and will be given the opportunity to present their results during a plenary session. In addition, the successful candidates will receive non-cash support for the dissemination of the best practice example by the ICPerMed Secretariat in the value of 500 €.

The programme will be centred on selecting Best Practices in PM.
The application has to cover at least one of the three defined topics linked to “Personalised Medicine for all citizens and patients within sustainable health systems, including models to facilitate investment in disease prevention and therapy research”.

These best practice examples can consist of one or several of the following:

  1. Scientific paper focused on novel approaches for the implementation of PM
  2. Training programmes for health personnel, increasing the level of awareness of the potential of PM
  3. Examples for interdisciplinary or intersectoral groups of collaboration (governmental and non-governmental organisations, academic management, medical research, health care and private organisations (e.g. SMEs, industry partners) for the implementation of PM, including ELSI activities

ICPerMed is a platform of over 35 European and international partners representing ministries, funding agencies and the European Commission. With the support of the ICPerMed Secretariat, the consortium works on coordinating and supporting research to develop PM approaches. Thereby, the central aim of ICPerMed is to align and encourage joint efforts in PM research and implementation on a European and international level.

More information on ICPerMed and the ICPerMed Recognition can be found here: www.ICPerMed.eu

For further inquiries, please contact the following addresses on behalf of the ICPerMed Secretariat:
mj.ruizalvarez-esterno@sanita.it; mg.mancini-esterno@sanita.it