European Parliament presents: Mapping of long-term public and private investments in the development of Covid-19 vaccines.

Today, the European Parliament presented a study requested by the COVI Committee: Mapping of long-term public and private investments in developing Covid-19 vaccines. ECRIN's General Director Jacques Demotes contributed to this work, which aimed to provide a mapping of funds provided by different actors for the R&D and the expansion of the production capacity of COVID-19 vaccines, with a focus on those authorised in the EU.
The study assesses the necessity for continuing public support to R&D on vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 future variants of concern and possibly other coronaviruses. According to interviewed experts, COVID-19 is here to stay, and further R&D is required in order to improve vaccine for what concerns the resilience to virus mutations and more durable immunity.
Among the conclusions outlined in the report it is stated that if the EU wants to play a prominent role in supporting the development of future coronavirus vaccines, fragmentation and duplication of funding should be avoided. This speaks to the very role of ECRIN, which works to enable European collaboration in the development of treatments and prevention of many infectious diseases including COVID-19.
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