The ERIC Forum is pleased to announce the release of its second policy brief.

This policy brief, entitled ” Scaling-Up Research Projects Through ERICs: Impact of Big Science on The Research Ecosystem” showcases the pivotal role of Research Infrastructures (RIs) and ERICs in particular in the European research development and innovation ecosystem. It also highlights the scientific and societal impact of the big investments made in European science through the RIs and their diverse modes of tackling scientific and societal challenges.
Selected case studies, domain-specific or cross-domain, illustrate the breadth and depth of the innovations addressing today and tomorrow’s key challenges.
Actionable recommendations are proposed to optimise the ERIC research ecosystem and effectively scale-up its contribution to research and socioeconomic impacts so that the ERIC System can continue to serve as the backbone of ERA within a sustainable framework.
► Read the 2nd ERIC Forum policy brief here.
► A two pager summary is also available here, with an overview on the main recommendations and conclusions of the policy brief.