ECRIN's 4th annual CTU Day
ECRIN hosted its 4th CTU Day on Friday 13 December 2024. This online event brought together more than 175 members from ECRIN's national partner networks.
This year, we covered an update of ECRIN's services and tools. We started by outlining ECRIN's Clinical Operations structure, including services and staff across Europe. We then focused on two national partners, Slovakia (SLOVACRIN) and Italy (ItaCRIN) who shared the structure of their national organisation and the links that have been developed with ECRIN.
CTU Day is about keeping our community in the know of what is happening more largely in clinical research and for this we included an update by ACT EU, in which they presented on their organisation, objectives, and focus on priority areas and shared the vision for Clinical evidence in 2030. The Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS) is the single entry point for clinical trial applications for up to 30 EU/EEA countries, and is used by sponsors and Member States during the clinical trial lifecycle. It was insightful to hear about how they are building support for the academic community and the importance of opportunities that get better medicines to patients faster.
Next, the NECESSITY project informed on the actions taken for their transition to the CTIS. The take home message was how essential it is to set up a clear communication plan between stakeholders and inform the CTUs upfront on the expected and actual timeline of the CTIS milestones.
Finally, ECRIN introduced their Regulatory and Ethical Database (RED), which has been developed based on a need for an updated tool. RED provides a centralised source of knowledge that condenses regulatory and ethical requirements, governing clinical studies in European countries. We closed the meeting with information on how CTUs involved in ECRIN projects are selected, what currently exists and what is next in terms of specialisation.
The online event was well received by all who attended. We look forward to the discussions to be had next year.
The webpage with the agenda can be found below.