ECRIN hosted its 3rd CTU Day on 4 December 2023. This online event assembled over 200 personnel from ECRIN's national partner networks' many of whom had not attended the previous iterations.
This year, the event covered an update of ECRIN's tools and services, outlining notably the clinical operations services in which many of the attendees play an integral role. We then focussed on two national partners Ireland (HRB-NCTO) and Norway (NorCRIN) who shared the structure of their national organisation and the links that have been developed with ECRIN. CTU Day is also about keeping our community in the know of what is happening more largely in clinical research and for this we included an update on the Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS) going over the current difficulties, how to overcome some of them, and the very recent changes being implemented as we approach the deadline for the end of the transition in a little over a year. An added feature this year was a focus on data in clinical research. This opened with a presentation on FAIR Data what it is and how one can implement this in practice and then concluded with a very practical case of developing and informed consent form for data sharing.
This interactive event was well received by all who attended and we look forward to the discussions to be had next year.