ECRIN launches strategy for next four years

This strategy outlines ECRIN’s ambitions for the next four years. Many achievements resulted from the previous strategic plan (2021-2023) and allowed ECRIN to develop its capacity and increase its visibility and recognition of its expertise. The successes of the past three years and all the work carried out in the decade since ECRIN achieved its ERIC status have positioned ECRIN to take on the impressive new strategic agenda.
The ECRIN Strategic Plan 2024-2027 has been developed by a dedicated ECRIN task force from October 2023 to March 2024, based on the analysis of ECRIN’s position in the environment, and an analysis of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The feedback and suggestions from the ECRIN staff, the ECRIN community and the governing body were actively collected during consultations.
The strategic plan is built around five goals to drive ECRIN’s activity for the 2024-2027 strategic plan: 1) Ensure scientific excellence and public health relevance 2) Cultivate a thriving and empowered ECRIN community 3) Forging the path for future ECRIN activities 4) Consolidate and promote our visibility and awareness 5) Sustain engagement with the research infrastructure ecosystem
In the next four years, ECRIN will sustain - the organisation, the activities, the community, the quality, and the collaborations; will innovate - to meet the new challenges and evolving clinical research ecosystem; and will empower - our staff, partners, and patients' community.
2024 to 2027 represents a consolidation phase for ECRIN, building on the achievements accrued in the previous years and the lessons learned. The specific actions, timelines and indicators to measure the implementation of these goals will be included in the ECRIN annual workplans.