CZECRIN celebrates its 10th anniversary

Last year, ECRIN celebrated its 10th anniversary, and this year, the Czech Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (CZECRIN) celebrates its 10th anniversary with great enthusiasm. CZECRIN, founded ten years ago on March 21, 2014, has become an important research infrastructure in the Czech Republic, enabling non-commercial clinical research and trials at the national and international levels.
Since 2014, CZECRIN has played a crucial role in supporting and coordinating clinical research activities throughout the country, with the support of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) and under the leadership of Masaryk University in cooperation with the St. Anne's University Hospital in Brno (FNUSA). CZECRIN expresses its thanks to all participating members. Through its extensive nationwide network, CZECRIN has achieved many significant successes, expanded the horizons of scientific knowledge, and, above all, improved patient care.
The Czech Republic is a proud ECRIN member country and Masaryk University is a scientific partner hosting ECRIN European Correspondents. CZECRIN supports partnerships at the European level. For ten years, CZECRIN has provided a comprehensive range of services and support to scientific communities, research teams and healthcare institutions, thereby increasing the quality and efficiency of clinical research in the Czech Republic. CZECRIN sincerely thanks all its supporters and collaborators and looks forward to continued successes and advances in patient-centred clinical research in the years to come.