SIMCor Kick-off meeting

The SIMCor (In-Silico testing and validation of Cardiovascular Implantable devices) project held its kick-off meeting last week on January 14-15, 2021.

The SIMCor project aims to develop an in-silico platform and simulation tools for the development, validation and regulatory approval of cardiovascular devices, providing tangible value to patients and clinicians, device manufacturers, clinical researchers, medical authorities and regulatory bodies.

ECRIN’s primary role will be assessing the potential benefits of in-silico testing along the entire workflow, including reduction of the size of animal and human trials, increased cost-effectiveness, reduced development cycles and time-to-market, but also reduction of adverse events and device failure. These advantages will be assessed through a variety of quantitative (e.g., comparison of in-silico and real-patient clinical-trial parameters, evaluation of industrial cycles) and qualitative methods (e.g., interviews with stakeholders) and will be disseminated within the clinical, research and industry communities.

SIMCor is funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 program under grant agreement No 101017578.

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