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Clinical Trial for the Regeneration of Cartilage Lesions in the Knee (NosetoKnee2)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the efficacy of an engineered cartilage transplant (N-TEC) in comparison to a cell-activated matrix (N-CAM) for the treatment of articular cartilage lesions in the knee. The main innovations in this trial are the use of nasal chondrocytes and the implantation of a tissue in contrast to cells seeded on a matrix. The goals of the trial are to: (i) evaluate whether implantation of a more mature graft (tissue therapy) is beneficial for the quality and durability of the repair tissue and the clinical outcome, (ii) determine the potential of the mature graft to integrate with the adjacent cartilage and form hyaline repair tissue and (iii) assess the efficacy of each treatment in correlation to the characteristics of the defect (e.g. acute versus chronic setting).

Population: adult | Intervention type: therapeutic medicinal product