INNOVAHEART, A joint European Workshop on the digital heart, 2nd Edition

Leuven, Belgium
06/02/2024 - 07/02/2024 


You can now register to the second edition of InnovaHeart! This European workshop focuses on the digital heart, uniting academics, start-ups, SMEs, industry experts, and regulators in cardiovascular in-silico modelling.   Innovaheart offers a unique opportunity to discuss the challenges of translating in-silico modelling from research to clinical application.

The workshop will cover, among others, current issues faced by the industry, legal and regulatory aspect of clinical and in-silico trials, and the credibility and predictive value of in-silico models.

The workshop is jointly organised by the EU-funded projects SIMCor, SimInSitu - In-silico Development- and Clinical-Trial-Platform, SimCardioTest EU project eHealth_EU, inEurHeart EIT Health project, EDITH-CSA and supported by KU Leuven, which is hosting the event.

Learn more and register here.