IHI Call Days - calls 6 & 7

10/01/2024 - 25/01/2024 
IHI Call Days - calls 6 & 7

At the IHI Call Days, you can find the information needed to put together a strong proposal, and find potential partners for your consortium.

IHI plans to launch IHI calls 6 and 7 in early 2024, and the draft topics are available on the Future opportunities page of the IHI website. Although the topics are still under development, we have added the topics to this platform so that you can start networking with potential partners. All you have to do is register, create your profile and start looking for and contacting potential partners. You can also meet via the platform! More guidance on using the matchmaking part of the platform can be found here.

Any organisation interested in participating in IHI calls for proposals can participate. This includes (but isn’t limited to) large companies in the pharmaceutical, medical device, digital, and biotech sectors; small and medium-sized companies (SMEs); mid-sized companies; universities; patient organisations; medicines regulators; health technology assessment (HTA) bodies; payers, and more.

Register here.