eConsent - Chances and Challenges for a Multistakeholder Community

vaccelerate webinar

JULY 05 2023, 14.00-15.00 (CEST)
eConsent - Chances and Challenges for a Multistakeholder Community
With Hilde Vanaken, PhD, Head of EFGCP (European Forum for Good Clinical Practice) eConsent Initiative
The consent document is not only the input but also the output and final agreement between participant and investigator. The ability to store and retrieve the document (e.g. by printing, downloading) is a “must have” digital feature of each eConsent tool.
eConsent tools should be simple, self-explanatory, and easy-to-use. If they multiply investigator’s workload or frustrate participants, it will not work. But there is no “one size fits all” eConsent model. Each disease, each study, each site, each participant might have different needs. Clearly the COVID-19 pandemic increased
the awareness and openness for eConsent, but it also showed that the impact of inperson contacts should not be underestimated.
Different aspects should be considered when selecting the eConsent digital features for a disease, study, sites and participants. Ultimately, eConsent tools should be flexible and become as easy to use and create as a paper consent. In this webinar, Hilde Vanaken will speak about eConsent terminologies, requirements, advantages, and hurdles, and share some insights in the harmoniza􀆟on ac􀆟vi􀆟es ongoing in the multistakeholder EFGCP initiative.
VACCELERATE, the EU funded clinical research network for the coordination & conduct of European vaccine trials is looking forward to hosting this webinar.
The webinar will be recorded and published on
