4th EULAC PerMed Summer School

On 15 and 16 November 2022 the 4th EULAC PerMed Summer School will take place as a hybrid event, held in Panama City (Panama) and broadcasted online as well. The EULAC PerMed Summer School on clinical studies in Personalised Medicine aims for junior researchers and personalised medicine stakeholders, and has a specific focus on illustrating clinical studies’ gaps and challenges under different disease perspectives: infectious and neglected diseases, oncology diseases, cardiovascular and rare diseases.
It could be a chance to create Personalised Medicine research networking between EU & LAC countries. The event is organised by the Italian Ministry of Health on behalf of the EULAC PerMed consortium, and in collaboration with GORGAS Institute (Panama).
The “Summer School” will take place on 15th and 16th November 2022 in Panama City, and will count on highly qualified experts in the field.
For more information and registration visit the dedicated website