Paediatric Clinical Research Infrastructure NetworkFunding programme: Horizon 2020 (N 731046)
Budget: €3.3M
Duration: 4 years (Jan 2017 - Dec 2020) - extended Jun 2021
The Paediatric Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (PedCRIN) brings together ECRIN and the European Paediatric Clinical Trial Research Infrastructure (EPCT-RI) to develop capacity for multinational paediatric clinical trials.
The Paediatric Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (PedCRIN) is a four-year project launched on 1st January 2017. It brings together the European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN) and the founding partners of the European Paediatric Clinical Trial Research Infrastructure (EPCT-RI) to develop capacity for the management of multinational paediatric non-commercial clinical trials. PedCRIN will effectively bridge paediatricians and other partners across Europe (and internationally) to combine resources and expertise to conduct and manage robust studies, while minimising risk and protecting the child participants.
Many medicinal products have not been adequately tested on children or authorised for use on this population. The paediatric population often responds to drugs and other therapeutics differently than adults do. Children differ from adults in anatomical and physiological ways and in the types of diseases from which they suffer; moreover, the manifestations of those diseases are different between children and adults.
A webinar series has been lauched inlcuding 3 webinars :
- Tools for the management of paediatric trials: handling biosamples and assessing causality of adverse events
- Methods for the engagement of youth and families in paediatric clinical trials - Towards patient-centred studies
- Practical points to consider for neonatal trials - An introduction to the PedCRIN neonatal tools
You can access these webinars on this page.
A series of tools and procedures to support the setup and management of multinational neonatal and paediatric clinical trials in Europe were developed through the PedCRIN project. These paediatric tools were created to train and support researchers and clinicians to establish, run, and manage both paediatric and neonatal multinational clinical trials in a more effective and easier way.
Also, a Pedcrin open call allowed to finance 3 projects: POPART, OTBB3 and WE Study.
Ecrin's role in PedCRIN
PedCRIN was an opportunity for ECRIN to strengthen and upgrade its existing capacity to manage multinational neonatal and paediatric clinical trials. Through PedCRIN ECRIN developed tools and procedures to answer the needs of the scientific community and successfully bridged paediatricians and other partners across Europe (and internationally).
To learn more about PedCRIN and the need for multinational paediatric clinical studies, see the fact sheet.