EUPATI Online Fundamentals training

12/06/2024 - 13/06/2024 
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Want to know more about patient engagement or need a simple refresher? Have a new member on your team who's new to the concept? 

Developed by EUPATI’s sustaining partners and industry experts, a patient roadmap was created to equip the participants with essential knowledge on engaging with patients effectively throughout the R&D process.

  • 100% Online: No travel required! This training is fully online, making it accessible wherever you are.
  • Interactive: Engage with trainers in interactive exercises and real-life case studies, ensuring an immersive learning experience.
  • Multistakeholder: Learn from both patient representatives and academic/industry experts.
  • By taking this 2-day online Fundamentals training, you'll cover 4 comprehensive modules and receive official certification in patient engagement.

Register & learn more here.